SLOW BURN- An Artist In Love.

23 min readJan 10, 2025

By Shekinah Peter.

Image Source: pinterest.

I may not have mastered my voice, but I have mastered my writing,

And whatever I start, I promise that I will see it to the end –

However, I will take my time.

It is in this head-space that I found Anai, an artist who was cool to me.

We met in Lagos during the 2023 detty December celebrations, and a friend introduced us, as is the culture in Networking and Nightlife.

“Meet Anai, Anai, meet Kemeye. Kemeye, Anai is an artist and overall chop life President, Anai, Kemeye works in PR” That was my cue,

“Nice to meet you Anai” Anai held my gaze and didn’t let go of my outstretched hand.

“O-okay! That’s my cue to go back to the rave, have fun!”

My friend Kelechi said as she waltzed away with a smug smirk on her face.

“It’s okay to dance with me, I won’t bite. I mean, I would love to dance with you” Something tugged at my chest, what was it?

Fear or Adrenaline rush?

We’ll find out as we go, but in that moment, I chose to dance, and nothing else mattered.

It didn’t take long before I tired of not dancing solo and excused myself.

Numbers were exchanged and I got lost in the crowd, or you could simply look up and find me on the stage with the DJ, call me a real raver like that.

After a ton of scheduling to fit a call in my busy PR worker slash recently serious writer schedule, and so many nights spent talking, I learned that Anai and I lived very close to each other, which made visiting easy.

“Hi babe, welcome to my place” She lived in a three-bedroom duplex in a cozy estate, however the little snag, tugging at the back of my mind remained.

Without further ado, we fucked.

I can not lie, I needed that, and if that was all I was going to get?

I did not mind.

The thing is – Anai had asked me to be her girlfriend hours after the sex.

Hilariously, I agreed.

I implore you to never question what I would do for the plot.

It was on the morning after the day I became Anai’s girlfriend I discovered her music, as bad as it sounded, was a cover-up for something even worse; a dwindling scam career.

The cracks began to clearly show up to me so much so that I knew how risky it was to be the only outsider in a house of desperation.

She reminded me of a river dam that was hours from bursting, the desperation to fill up her cracked mind with substance no matter how flitting, to seal the cracks of her life.

I was quickly introduced to so many of her friends and family members, even her Snapchat friends, me, a figurehead to the semblance of something right in her life.

The picture she painted was what she dreamed it was, not me though, I started to fill those little moments of delusion with a strong voice of inquisition.

“Tell me why you’re not working instead of complaining and hoping for the magical appearance of money” It was always one thing or another with her and her “work”.

I spoke too much reality and that was not her language, so it did not surprise me when those cracks finally opened wide and tried to swallow me whole.

Enough of the parables, I am a Naija babe, nobody needed to tell me to run fast before I was put in a pot for being so woke. I wasn’t so foolish to not know that it wasn’t with that work ethic she could afford a three-bedroom duplex neither was my head so far up my ass to snap out of that funny speed dating situation. That little snag tugging the back of my mind was my intuition – she knew.

I always loved slow burn, that has always been the definition of romance to me.

I knew I had all the time in the world to love right, no rush.

The party refused to stop in Lagos and in turn, the situation to try ships.

I was sitting in the poolside at Sarah’s house when Etta waved at me, I hate people, as I’m sure was evident in my response blank expression and murmured hello.

I was already shuffling my living condition, a higher ratio of that being away from my home and at Sarah’s, and if you were wondering; Yes, Sarah and I became sex buddies in the same detty December.

Except, at this time, it was becoming harder to act oblivious to the cracks in my and her situation.

Sarah provided me with a haven away from my shared accommodation with my weird ex-course mate from uni and she knew it so she demanded the exchange. I knew her body’s language and I spoke it – but Sarah didn’t do well with languages, so the options were; managing the sexual breadcrumbing or brave looking ungrateful.

Also known as; Sarah did not give head.

The answer to that was simple to know and simple to implement. I never had to do anything I was not comfortable with. I refused to continue making love to anyone who did not match my freak.

For a relationship to be whole, I believed both parties should be sexually compatible, No?

Head was a non-negotiable for me and I would wait however long till I found my real eater.

It was on the evening I had been musing over these thoughts that Etta spoke to me.

After she settled at her parent’s place, Etta returned to sit by me at the poolside,

“Is it okay if I join in your solo moment or would you like me to go over there?” I did not care what she wanted to do, but requesting permission seemed like a good start. Typically, I hated anyone in my space or disturbing my quiet but,

“It’s fine” she stared me down all while she settled properly on the sun lounger.

“You want to talk?” she finally asked,

“What about?”

“I don’t know, anything, let’s start by introducing ourselves, my name is Etta, you?”




“Sounds beautiful, much like you. Wheew, I almost thought you wouldn’t want to talk or something. You don’t look like a talker”

“I’m not” She smiled and nodded in acceptance.

“Well, thank you for speaking with me”

“Why are you here?”

“Nothing, I just – I’m home alone now, my parents traveled today and I’d be here a minute before going back to mine” The conversation, as you may not be able to tell, took a surprisingly personal turn. We in no time talked about friendships, relationships, work, and hobbies. I saw Sarah at some point come out to check on me from a distance, it didn’t matter much to her who I was with.

Etta’s persona was without a mask, calm and engaging. She reminded me of the heavy rain sounds I was addicted to.

Two hours past the strike of midnight I went to lay in bed that night, without the rain sounds and I fell asleep.

Three hours and thirty minutes later, I woke up to Sara humping my ass. I let her chase her high but I refused to contribute to it, I had work by nine, and my alarm was to ring by seven-fifty, I never considered myself a morning person either so instead of reacting I went back to sleep.

By nine, I had arrived at See Lagos with Etta, a lounge that doubled as a workspace for the day.

I had Etta take some pictures of me in my Andrea Iyamma get-up.

I had a two-month content calendar target to start and finish for a client and a short story I had begun to write days ago and needed to finish on the same day, so I ordered a croissant and hot chocolate breakfast for us both while Etta added pizza and coffee to hers.

Unlike her who was going to be on the move doing god knows what, I was going to get the rest of my day’s meal consequently.

She worked remotely as a screenwriter and needed to utilize the day to be at Lagos Conservation Center and Nike art gallery to, in her words “shake up my mind”.

Breakfast was filled with small talk, the vote of confidence, self-affirmations, and much-appreciated silence.

She was to leave for hers the next morning as was I, so we agreed she’d report back at the end of work then we returned in the same ride.

There was something about splitting the ride money back and forth that reminded me of the word compatriot.

“Babe come let’s fuck”

It was at this moment I stood up, packed my bags, and left.

When I returned the previous night with Etta, she had mentioned leaving very early in the morning and that was not an option I wanted to take so I bade her farewell and decided I would be leaving by lunchtime.

I returned to find out that there was not a thing in the kitchen and Sarah who had been home wasn’t even home, said she went for some errand, I looked and it was to get some weed from her plug.

I had brought pizza but the fact that as is disturbingly usual, Sarah did not care about anything I did or my welfare.

When she returned, I asked if she’d had anything to eat to which her response was negative and she had no plans either.

Safe to say we had pizza for dinner. After which she had her bath and tried to rub on me, a gesture I politely refused,

“I don’t feel like doing all that right now, sleep abeg” – if that’s what you call polite.

I sat in the makeshift workspace that was the dining table, working and bidding my time to leave and leave for good.

I thought it was suspicious how she was watching suspicious-sounding videos a little too loudly in the room.

I wasn’t about to complain about anything when I could just leave.

However, her finding the shamelessness in herself to come out of the room naked underneath her robe to say that rubbish was enough to make me bolt up and away.

“Ah, babe, stay longer I was just joking”

“No, thank you, you can come and help me with the bag if you want though” Of course, she did not, she wanted to go change but I’m guessing she just chose to get off instead because she didn’t come out till I got in the ride and left, that is if she came out at all.

I got a ride in minutes and that was the last time I saw Sarah.

I let out a heavy negro sigh as I watched the building disappear behind me.

And then the words “Home sweet home” came out of my mouth which was strange because I never usually lie to myself.

Weeks passed so quickly I began to question time – why was time so endless in the moment, yet so erosive in its passing?

Etta and I spoke almost every day about the little things and the big things. I had confessed to her how I wanted to get a new house where I could stay without Pearl, my housemate who tried to forcefully get intimate with me when she found out I loved women.

“I never tried women but I think I’d love to”

“I wish you well in your endeavors, just don’t tell me about it”

“I have a friend who said she likes me, maybe I’ll try her”

“I don’t want to know” I never wanted to know, I thought she dabbled too carelessly and pandered dangerously with and to the other gender, so even outside of this conversation, we were cordial enough to live and probably eat together, I talked to her friends too, but there was a very bold boundary.

It did not end there, Pearl groped me in my sleep, well technically I wasn’t sleeping, Yet.

I stirred in bed to balance myself anticipating the wave of dizziness that brought me to bed to take me under.

I had slipped into that very sweet spot between the waking world and the dreaming when I felt the weight of an incoming occupant on my bed.

She probably wanted something, maybe an extra pillow since her two friends were over, that was what I thought.

Come to find out —

She wrapped her hand around me in a cuddle, I froze,

“Hi baby” then came the anger.

“What do you want, I’m trying to sleep. If you’ve not noticed, I love my sleep more than any human interaction of any form. Let’s not talk about how I detest nonconsensual cuddles or any form of body collision”

“Shh, I like you, I really do, just let me touch you”

“Your friends are in the other room, go and be with them”

“Are they the issue? If it’s that I can tell them to leave” At that moment, I also hated the English language and its openness to misinterpretation.

“No, I mean I don’t want to fuck you”

“You’re not attracted to me?”

“No please stop putting your hand back on my body, I’m so sleepy and this is not funny, you want me to call your friends?”

“They can’t hear you”

“Yinka, Gina!”

“Wetin’ happen?”

“Gina please come and carry your friend” I called out, thankful Gina was close enough to hear.

“Ha you people are doing lesbian things”

“I want to sleep please carry your friend” As redundant as that statement was, I didn’t see the need to indulge past as I had,

“Oya, Pearl let go, Yinka is ordering a ride we want to go get cake parfait, food, and small chops, let me go check if she has made any progress on that” she continued speaking as she left the room, I didn’t expect much from her but the break from the weird assault was appreciated,

“I’m coming”

“Go now please”

“You don’t want anything sexual from me?”

“I never did and I plan to keep it that way” She finally withdrew and left me, the rest of the days after that were filled with little sexual remarks she probably thought would get me to reconsider my stance. I was disgusted, repulsed.

“That was how I got desperate enough to start sleeping outside babes” Etta sighed, sat at the side of the bed on the pink cushioned side stool.

“I think she’s been giving off some nasty attitude towards me since I started showing up here” I was not surprised Etta had noticed Pearl’s attitude, it was not hidden at all.

“She’s probably jealous I speak to anyone that’s not her, which in all honesty, is the weirdest thing to me”

“Probably?” Etta said, her tone laced with sarcasm, I shrugged my acceptance. It wasn’t under probability.

“You want to remain here or go to my place with me? I have a number of things we could do”

“Oh my goodness, what are your thoughts right now?!”

“Would you not like to play some… games?”

“Are you flirting with me right now, miss?”

“Absolutely…” Etta crawled across the bed towards me, I noticed the slip-tuck of her silk skirt into her ass crack as she moved like that from my stance, distracting me from the eye contact, and causing a glitch in my usual eye contact maintenance

“NOT! Jesus. Absolutely Not, okay?

You look terrified”

“I am not terrified, I don’t look terrified”

“You looked away”

“I was distracted”

“By what?!”


“Then stop lying to me”

“But I’m not, okay, cool, I’ll come to play games with you”

“You mustn’t” she pouted,

“Pooja, what is this behavior?” as expected, she cracked a little smile,

“I kicked it by mistake”

“You cannot kick it by mistake”

“Then pick it up if it bothers you”

“As you wish” My weight on the bed was obvious on the sheets as I moved up to her

“What are you doing” My response was trying to lift her while we were on the bed by wrapping my arms around her waist, her scream turned to fits of laughter before she switched and sat on me, I gave up, this lady was stronger than meets the eye

“I concede”

“I wish you had a choice somewhere, I’ve got arm power, and if I didn’t, it’s a rule to let a fat ass babe win the fight and be on top, kapeesh?”

“You are right ma’am” I groaned my response, she was sitting on me at the wrong angle with a slip of her skirt between her and my pelvic muscle.

“Mmm” when she adjusted said fat ass to the right angle so as not to suffocate me, the slip of skirt moved out and gave way to – absolutely nothing.

“Well, I want to expect you should be able to carry my weight for more than five minutes without fainting, or all your lesbian years might just be a waste” Was she going to act like I wasn’t feeling her bare everything on me?

“Miss” she snapped her fingers in my face,

“Mmm, justice for my legs”


“Do not mind me, I quite like it”

“Mmm” she moved a bit lower, coming close to my face, I could feel her COMPLETELY, the warmth was getting slicker,

“Don’t do that Etta”

“Do what? Say Mmm, like you?”

“I… yea, Etta?! You’re”

“It’s not up to five minutes yet stop squirming”


“This is one of my games”

She had slid to an angle a bit more strenuous in my legs, I had to move her,

When I moved her forward, she quite literally slid on my lap and squeaked a moan she was suppressing, I was about to just address the whole game when I heard a knock on the door.

My housemate had left her key on the table and returned to retrieve it, I knew she was coming, I had called her earlier so I excused myself to go open the door, thankful for the space to breathe and check my lap if I wasn’t imagining things.

The knock increased and I could hear my phone ring in the room,

“Rather impatient” I had to find the nearest wipe hanging around to clean up Etta’s vaginal fluid.

I didn’t understand what was happening but I was willing to just relax and let good things happen to me.

It’s a lie, I was terrified. Not the bad type, the good type.

Just, she’s my friend and I like her as a person, would it be wise to switch that relationship, would we have relationship issues that’ll fuck up our friendship?

Pearl walked in hurriedly, ignoring my presence like I wasn’t there, Pearl was about to hurry back out with me still standing there thinking of everything but her annoying attitude, then she stepped into the sitting room, her eyes moving from Pearl to me.

Pearl stopped in her tracks, did a three sixty and opened her mouth,

“Who are you? Who is this? What is she always doing here?”

“The question Pearl is what are your thoughts on what you’re doing here, now, because I promise you I’m about to change them if you do not put yourself in order and step back into the shit hole that had you making such an ugly face on a beautiful day. That is to assume that your face hadn’t been this ugly from birth”

“I- I don’t have time for this” Pearl had physically recoiled at that speech, obviously not expecting a retort as bitter and well-constructed. I couldn’t help but clap at that.

I know, wrong place, wrong time, but it didn’t matter.

Pearl slammed the door behind her and left with her bitter air.

“Thank you thank you thank you” Etta bowed with a mischievous smirk on her face,

“That was hot” It truly was hot,

“I do not have an MFA in theatre arts behind my name for nothing, Thespians are always ready for a show babes”, her master’s in theatre arts seemed helpful in real life, which became a plus to list of reasons I always loved that course,

“I’m jealous”

“Oh don’t be, come pack up and let’s go before that witch returns”

“You give witches a bad rep babes”

“I apologize” she responded with a snicker.

On getting to Etta’s, it occurred to me that I hadn’t stepped past her sitting room in months, three months to be precise, talk more of passing the night.

We’d go out at night to get or eat dinner and talk about passing crushes and past lovers.

I remember thinking, “Not too much talking today” so many times and still went against that.

We both loved to talk and listen to each other, a beautiful thing really, always holding space for one another.

After two days of Etta doing her work in her office space and me, sinking into the corner of her couch working, I got bored.

The boredom reminded me of the games Etta mentioned the day I came so I called out to her.



“I’m a bit bored”

“God! I was waiting for when you’d get your head out of your system”


What do you want to do, games?”

“Great of you to suggest that finally, I have chess, Ludo, whot, scribble, err, and an inappropriate card game,” she said the last part with a hint of naughty in her voice.

The scene from my house that I had been unconsciously trying to delete from my brain rushed to the top of my mind.

“You have that scared look on your face again”


“Let’s play Ludo”

“Yes, I’ll beat you at it though, hope you’re good enough to extend the time a little bit more?”

“Ariwo ko ni music”

“Ah okay” We did not stop at Ludo, we went through it all except the sex card game which we both just automatically ignored, and lost track of who was winning and who was losing but if I must say, the Ludo game was 5–6, and she passed me by one mark, It was a tense game and I let her win, believe what you will.

“Let’s see a film babes, I’m tired” Etta whispered as she rested her head on my chest. We’d both agreed to have our bath and extended her convertible chair to a bed.

After days, this was the first time we would be lying together, it was usually her in her room and me here. She’d tried to ask me to come in on the first day and hinted at it on the second day to which I politely refused.

I didn’t want to inconvenience her in her space and I also wasn’t as open to sleeping with anyone in my sleeping space for the past three months.

All these brouhaha, listen I was just scared.

Etta had slept in my bed on some days and it wasn’t crazy, we’d even cuddled, can you imagine?

But it was all as friends, now… I don’t know about now, my heart is beating differently and there are butterflies in my belly too.

Etta stepped out of her room in a see-through loose sky blue sheer net sleepwear, my breath hitched, I could’ve not stared at her with my mouth hanging open, but that’d require a superpower, one I did not possess.

“I wanted to match with you, I saw your shorts and I remembered I own this, they’re both sky blue. What do you think?”

“What do I think?”


“You are entering my eye”

“Good and…?”

“You are so hot, I don’t think my heart can take it”

“Let’s give it up for the back of the dress” When she turned around, I was not prepared, I was floored, to say the least, because WHAT?!

The line tattoo at her back looked like she got it just for the dress, entirely backless down to her dermal piercings, then an excuse of a fabric formed a fled on half of her butt, while the other half was simply bare.

I was too stunned to speak, I had my hand on my mouth with my eyes wide in awe, she turned around and her smile waned, “you look scared again”

“No, no”

“Then what?”


“Do I scare you with my advances?

You know they’re advances, right?

It’s almost as if you shut it out, I don’t just want to f-sleep with you, I want you to know that I want you to love me, and I, you.

Loving you truly as a friend is so cool, but I don’t want to make the mistake of not telling you I am in fact in love with you.


“I- I was so sure something felt different, I just, I couldn’t tell,” I thought out loud,

“I don’t know how to act babes”

“But tell me if you feel something, anything, even if it’s lust,” she said the last part teasingly, she held my hands in hers now, kneeling on the now-bed, both our hands on her lap.

“I have felt something, I felt butterflies and fear”

“Fear, why?”

“Give me time, let’s see a film first, please? I need to articulate my thoughts now. Is that fine?”

“Sure, sure thing” We had settled on seeing Maleficient, we’d both seen it individually and wanted to see it again.

I rested my head on her thighs while we saw the film.

I can’t tell at what point I slept off but I had slept long and deep enough for her to have laid down and slept without waking me up.

I tossed a bit and moved from on top of her to the side of her thighs, I was too sleep-laden to want to move any further, she must have felt the weight lifted from her finally because she turned and moved her legs in her sleep, right over me.

I didn’t know what to do, so I stayed in place to not wake her up, she might feel uncomfortable with the position soon and turn the other way.

Not only were her thighs smooching my face, I could smell her.

Listen, I was simply happy to be there, if I had died, I knew I’d pass on to heaven.

I went back to sleep and dozed off.

We both had a busy day the next day, we were to go get Etta groceries and I planned to go home from there so I could give Pearl the option of leaving since she chose to be a thorn in my peace. I was not about to leave a space I accepted her into for her sake.

I didn’t mind giving her two weeks. We had a monthly payment plan for this cause, In the beginning, I knew staying with someone else was tricky and paid my rent in full so whoever stayed with me, had to pay monthly, I was guaranteed monthly cash and I cannot believe I ever even ran away from the house for her sake.

I think her talk to Etta pissed me off and reminded me I could do that.

At home after briefing her everything, Pearl started bawling hot tears which I found very funny being that I could tell just how fake and emotionally manipulative it was.

If anything, it solidified my stance.

I couldn’t even concentrate on her acting, I wanted to talk to Etta, to find out her progress on her visit to her family house.

“I’ll call you when I’m done my love, they brought back so many things”

“You want me to come?”

“Yes, if you don’t feel any type of way about Sara”

“Oh please, I don’t care about Sara”

“Okay please come”

“Alright, I’m on my way”

“Can you get rid of the crocodile tears? I don’t like all that, matter of fact, I hate it” I stood up and stashed my phone in my aso oke loose pants.

I had already packed for bed and planned on getting Etta and my food on our way back.

I also wanted to get a chocolate cake and red wine for finishing one story and starting another plus Etta finished her scripts for a screenplay too.

“You have someone in your life now and you think you can just throw me out?”

“Yes” Finally deciding that I couldn’t stand the girl any longer, I walked out and left the house.

“Cannot believe she’s making it seem like we had anything going on,” I said out loud to no one in particular.

“Do you want to eat me out?” I couldn’t sustain the anger when all that was flashing through my head was how high I got on Etta last night.

We’d both acted so awkward all morning but our plans had to be carried out so were moving around in awkwardness. The air between us was so thick and hot that it reminded me of her on my face.

“I wanted to talk to you about last night, I just… I want to be your girlfriend so bad, so please let me know if you would want that, later in the evening if you don’t mind” She looked nervous I had to pull her to myself and kissed her lightly on the lip.

Etta had started to rub my hair because she woke up to me under her thighs with her core a hair breath from my face, I might’ve dozed off but it was light sleep due to the condition I was in.


“But in this position? I like it”

“Mhm,” I had my face in her like I was starving. She tasted so perfect while simultaneously getting wetter.

I was licking and sucking slowly on the nub of her core and she unraveled in my face. I was so shocked I pulled away and dived my face in the duvet to dry her off me.

“I’m so sorry, It was fast, I’m sorry, I don’t have an excuse”

“Don’t you dare apologize to me, I loved it, I loved every bit of it. I’m happy I made you feel that by just eating you out, and I love how you told me you loved that angle. Look at me, I can go again”

Can I reciprocate?”

“Yes you can, tomorrow, now I’m sleepy”

“Fine, thank you for making me feel so good Kem”

“I already got a thank you note from sweet Miss Warm girl here,” I said as I cupped her core in my hands playfully making her giggle and kiss me.

“You smell like me” Of course, I did smell like her, and I wanted to repeat that whilst wine-drunk, weed high, happy, angry, and even sad.

I strongly needed to have that for so long in my life, for forever, slowly but surely, till I die!

I alighted the ride on our way back to get all the things I wanted to get and Etta returned home with the stuff her parents got her from their travels.

I wanted to surprise her more, so I got a bouquet of red roses with the “Will you be my girlfriend note”, I changed my mind about the cake and got an extra one for the proposal and a bottle of pinot noir.

Getting to hers, I walked in with the gatekeeper because someone had to help me into the apartment with the other cake.

I texted before coming in to which she responded;

“I’m going to have my bath, I opened up for you, come in when you’re here”

I sure as hell knew a double entendre when I saw one, I decided going to have my bath and smashing cores in the bathroom before proposing wasn’t the worst idea.

We didn’t smash cores, she ate me like a full-course meal on her knees after stuffing a pink vibrator in me,

“Your neighbors might go deaf”

“Won’t be my fault if the soundproofing in the apartment is fake, I paid for full soundproofing for this reason” we conversed in our little tired voices, panting hard from the action.

We were dressed in cozy sleepwear next, if that’s what you’d like to call the leopard print S.fenty fitted and short nightie I had on, with my boobs popping out of the top.

I hurried to the sitting room before her and picked up the flower, and the card and got on my knees.

Etta, already curious as to why I was hurrying, walked in with a “tell me what that was about” face then it changed to the face of realization and eventually, emotions unraveled.

“I was scared of the wholesomeness of the idea of love with you. I know I love you and that’s not a question I want to give you any reason to ever ask. I’ve always had space for you since we met, you’re so calming. I don’t struggle to appreciate you in my life, it is obvious how happy you make me. All I wish is to be great enough for you, good enough for you, and blessed enough for you.

You asked if I would want to be yours and my answer is yes,

I will be your girlfriend if you promise to be mine”

“Yes, yes, I promise. Oh my heart” for the way she was balling her eyes out, I didn’t expect her to speak immediately, she nodded her yes as I wiped off her tears.

“My cry baby” I was fighting my tears and that’s just how you know how much power she had over me.

She had recovered a bit and managed to speak when I brought her cake,

“Thank you for being my girlfriend… What if I said no, would you have returned the cake?”

“I know you love me” The smile that broke through her face in acknowledgment was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen,

“Yes, yes I love you, so much. I want to eat you and swallow you so you can be with me everywhere” She was sat on my lap facing me in the same nightwear from the night before but in a color red,

“Start from my cooch Etta Savage”

“Yes ma’am, tonight is not a night you’d ever forget, ever!” She whispered on my lips as she kissed me.

I felt my kitty cat jump at that promise,

“Easy now tiger.”

After having the cake and red wine with some soft Sade mix playing in the background, I cannot begin to explain to you what an absolute dream I was in, us gliding our bodies on each other, with hot and sloppy kisses and the toys sharing.

If I had mastered my voice, I would sing a song of this moment with a melody so beautiful it’ll rival that of a canary.

However, regardless of the fact that I have not mastered my voice – I have mastered my writing, and it is with this mindset I write you this love story.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. While the experiences and emotions depicted are rooted in reality, all characters, names, and settings are fictional and not meant to represent actual individuals or locations. Any resemblance to real people, places, or events is purely coincidental and unintentional. The author has taken creative liberties to enhance the narrative and protect the privacy of those involved.

About The Author: I’m Shekinah Iheoma Peter @the_iheoma on every socials, follow me, like me, share me & tell of my genius to anyone with ears to hear🫶

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Written by the_iheoma

👩‍💻Fashion, Beauty, Tech & Everything Creative—Writer. IG/X: @the_iheoma Tiktok: @theiheoma_

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