I’m not just a girl 24’

I’m starting this year with an audacity,
I know I can achieve everything I’ve written down,
It’s not that I tried to make them easy, matter of fact, my goals for this year are the most daring I’ve ever had in my life.
To be honest I’m actually offended, how have I never thought this big?
The idea though is the process,
A friend told me this morning again, the same thing he’s told me all year round 23’…
It’s the process, focus on the process.
Not like I don’t/didn’t know, not like I’m trying to be a stubborn person and not listen, but damn!
The outcomes so easily eat my attention up because what do you mean; “Thank you for your application but we…” but we what, Mr/Miss/Mrs Manager?
I’m better now though, I say so myself.
I’m a better creative, I’m a better writer, I finish what I start and I’ve enjoyeddd the process.
I’m a baddie! I’m a big girl!
I’ve got so much perfection under my sleeve.
I’ve gaslighted myself into believing all my so-called L’s were the universe’s way of saying to me “oh girl, reach higher”,
i mean,
What more is success if not Delulu and hard work?
Both of which, I have on lock.
I’ve molded myself, my skills, my tenacity and my outlook from the ground up,
No I’m not just a girl, I’m god.
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I’m @the_iheoma everywhere.