With Highroller.
See, I’ve looked the entire entertainment industry through and it’s safe to say the entire imagery we see on air is hugely dependent on the fashion industry architects aka STYLISTS(a notion only up for agreement).
Now here comes the issues; three out of five times when I see the evolving in a celebrity’s fashion/dress sense, we know that there is a stylist behind the change, but then where is the stylists credit?
It then feels like celebs are trying to hoard their stylists so other people don’t steal them, or…?
I’m going to be talking to one amazing fashion architect who’s the brain behind rollerscav3, Onehundr3d, and also been front of GQ SS22 for best street style in 2021 Lagos fashion week. He’s gone on to do more and more things but I’d let him introduce himself and tell us how it is to live the life in the industry.
Q1: Hi Highroller, Tell me, why chose styling?
Reply: I don’t think I chose it , cause I didn’t really have an idea styling was a career , I was more focused on designing but one day I tried and I haven’t stopped, so it came to me and I fell in love with the art that I made and stayed.
Q2: Do you think you’re underrated?
Reply:Underrated? Nope.
I feel it’s a gradual progress, I’ve made a lot of mistakes that I’ve learnt from and I still make mistakes. So whatever I have now is what I deserve based on the work and time I put into it. I really don’t rate myself due to what others think, I used to and it put me in a dark place where I had creativity block, but I learnt how to love myself and shut everything and everyone out.
Q3: You obviously made your research before venturing into the industry, has the industry always been this oblivious to not giving proper credit to stylists?
Reply: I guess I don’t like to say words like industries because everyone’s different and we can’t just stereotype everybody, there are people that would give you credit and people that won’t, but the whole idea is “not being defined by credits or what the society says” , people would eventually get to know your work, credit or no credit as far you work hard , learn from mistakes , apologize and just keep learning & trying. I believe in giving credit to people that work with me, that’s just me, most people might not want to share their stylist for personal reasons, you would never know until you have the discussion.
Me in my head: genuinely? I don’t want to have the discussions, just give these people their credits, it’s not hard…but what do I know?
Q4: I’ve seen your work and i just always know this is Highroller. How do you leave your mark, is it magic?
Reply: Probably because I speak up, people only know what they have seen or heard, most times you have show them better. It’s hard but I knew I wanted value behind my name, I always learn something everyday so when I’m given the opportunity I know what I’m using, plus I have rules for myself and principles, I’m very big on authenticity, never used anything fake & I stood my ground a lot, surely lost a couple of clients but I knew I wanted value behind my name even if I don’t profit.
Me in my head: Not to be buying adibas and Fenchi, buy original!
Q5: Seeing how the industry is, could you give an advice that’ll offer a soft landing for newbie stylists?
Reply: There’s nothing easy or comfortable at first, a lot would happen, you would lose a lot and work alot just know what you want and try to always achieve it. it’s the only way you can find comfort in any of this, because it’s lonely .
Q6: It’s time for bragging, tell me the big names you’ve worked with.
Reply: Lol I’ll pass.
I treat everyone the same and put my 100% every time, everyone is a big name.
Me in my head: Yass!! The inclusivity!
But y’all… do you guys notice how everyone I talk to is humble? I might need to find someone open to bragging… or not.
Q7: What bigger names do you look forward to working with?
Reply: I definitely would work with anyone that has an idea of what they are wearing and what they want, anyone like that is fine for me, I won’t limit myself to a certain person.
Q8: Final question; how’d you meet wavy the creator?
Reply: Lol wavy is my mom.
How do I apply to be Wavy’s child!!!? If you have Links to how to apply, send it straight to my dm😌.

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The End.