I’ve accepted that i have no willpower to suffer,
I’ve accepted that I do not appreciate when it feels hard,
I’m not drawn to struggle,
I do not like the word hustle,
It sounds so much like bustle and how much chaos it has to be —
Pour my heart into my hands and do the fun not the work,
Is that not how to keep a stable mind?
At my pace.
My talk falls on not so deaf ears…
Not so closed mouths,
Mouths that say; ‘just a little bit more’, ‘try a little harder’ —
Rude hands that push me in the direction that looks right,
I can do that too, perfectly well,
I’d just never say it.
Who says ‘I work well under pressure’?
Not delicate Diamonds, Not delicate me.
Thanks for reading💗
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Image source: Pinterest.